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- Aquaman (1994-2001)
8. Elemental, My Dear Aquaman
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8. Elemental, My Dear Aquaman

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Elemental, My Dear Aquaman
Nummer 8
Originaltitel Aquaman (1994)
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 36
Erschienen April 1995
Cover-Preis 1.50 USD
Ersteller GenerationX76
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Heft
gesammelt von 1 Benutzer

Writer: Peter David
Pencils: Marty Egeland
Inks: Howard M. Shum
Colors: Tom McCraw

Cover Artist: Marty Egeland, Howard M. Shum & Tom McCraw

Aquaman becomes trapped between two warring elemental entities: Corona, the new fire elemental, and the water elemental Naiad.

The issue kicks off with Corona now set on killing all of the Deep Six for their destruction of her village, and then her deciding to destroy the village herself following her destruction of the Six. While Dolphin, Aquaman, and Koryak continue to battle the remaining members of the Six in the cave. Aqualad is still captured, as Letfios begs for his life from the flesh eating water, trying to free himself as the water descends on him.

The terrified Six then beg Aquaman to save them from Corona in exchange for their leaving of Earth and never returning. Aquaman then attempts to talk her out of murder while they open a boom tube escaping her,leading her to personally blame Aquaman and attack him. Aquaman is then saved by Koryak, until the arrival of Naiad who has set out to eliminate Corona for being a tainted elemental.Koryak then manages attempts to use his hard water abilities to spin Naiads body to pieces as a distraction, so they can flee which ultimately fails. Aquaman then attempts to appeal to Naiad by pledging to help her, by asking Kako to kill him so she can be free of the anger repressed inside of her. Ultimately Naiad sees the humanity still inside of Corona, and decides to spare her so they can act as a balance for another, as she leaves with her fellow elemental.

In Poseidonis Vulko and several other scientists try to discover what has raised the city up, with Vulko believing it to be something trying to push it's way up.
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