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2. Hooked

Fehler in Comic melden
Nummer 2
Originaltitel Peter Panzerfaust (2012) 6-10
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 128
ISBN 1607067285
ISBN-13 9781607067283
Erschienen 15. Mai 2013
Cover-Preis 14.99 USD
Ersteller Krobbo
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Softcover
gesammelt von 1 Benutzer

All the major players of the Peter Pan mythology come to new life in this action packed second volume, with new allies in Tiger Lily, Big Chief and the Braves. Combining forces with the French Resistance, Peter and the boys lead a deadly game of espionage to locate and free their lost brother, Felix. All that's stopping them is the combined might of the Nazi army led by a cunning and ruthless adversary, Kapitan Haken himself!
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