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3. Quiver Chapter 3: The O...
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3. Quiver Chapter 3: The Old Man and the Sea

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Quiver Chapter 3: The Old Man and the Sea
Nummer 3
Originaltitel Green Arrow (2001)
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 36
Erschienen Juni 2001
Cover-Preis 2.50 USD
Ersteller Kal_L
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Heft
gesammelt von 4 Benutzer

Green Arrow confronts the Star City comptroller in his office as to why they closed down the youth center. While he's interrogating the man, Oliver is finally tipped off to the year being 1999 and not the 1980s like he thought.

Back at the youth center, Mia shows up and has no illusions about Oliver's secret identity. She bullies Oliver into giving her a place to stay and some pay for working at the youth center. Later on, Oliver goes back out on patrol and Stanley bonds with Mia. He takes out some drug dealers looking for the serial killer. There, he stumbles upon Black Manta and a bewildered Aquaman.
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Erscheinungsdatum geändert 25.3.2014 19:24
Bearbeiter Madrox
Änderung 06.2001
Vorher Juni 2001
Kommentar geändert 25.3.2014 19:24
Bearbeiter Madrox
Änderung Green Arrow confronts the Star City comptroller in his office as to why they closed down the youth center. While he's interrogating the man, Oliver is finally tipped off to the year being 1999 and not the 1980s like he thought. Back at the youth center, Mia shows up and has no illusions about Oliver's secret identity. She bullies Oliver into giving her a place to stay and some pay for working at the youth center. Later on, Oliver goes back out on patrol and Stanley bonds with Mia. He takes out some drug dealers looking for the serial killer. There, he stumbles upon Black Manta and a bewildered Aquaman.
Originaltitel geändert 25.3.2014 19:24
Bearbeiter Madrox
Änderung Green Arrow (2001)
Vorher Green Arrow 3
Erscheinungsdatum geändert 19.1.2012 20:38
Bearbeiter der_Schimmy
Änderung 06.2001
Vorher Juni 2001
Titel geändert 19.1.2012 20:38
Bearbeiter der_Schimmy
Änderung Quiver Chapter 3: The Old Man and the Sea
Vorher Quiver Part 3: The Old Man and the Sea
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