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42. Judge Dredd CCF Vol. 42
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42. Judge Dredd CCF Vol. 42

Fehler in Comic melden
Judge Dredd CCF Vol. 42
Nummer 42
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 288
ISBN 1786187094
ISBN-13 9781786187093
Erschienen 17. August 2023
Cover-Preis 24.99 GBP
Ersteller Ludi
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Softcover
gesammelt von 1 Benutzer

Eat Your Heart Out!

The best-selling series collecting The Law in order continues as Judge Dredd tests his wits against a grisly selection of Mega-City One’s most maniacal murderers!

In the dystopian metropolis Mega-City One, crime lurks around every corner, whether it’s The Surgeon, who feeds on the still beating heart of his victims, the globetrotting blogging serial killer Global Psycho, or the deadly plots in Mega-City One's virtual gardening competitions! The only thing stopping the city from falling into depravity and chaos are the Judges, and toughest of them all is Judge Dredd - Judge, Jury and Executioner!
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