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50. Reflections

Fehler in Comic melden
Nummer 50
Originaltitel Aquaman (1994)
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 36
Erschienen Dezember 1998
Cover-Preis 1.99 USD
Ersteller GenerationX76
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Heft

Writer: Erik Larsen
Pencils: Eric Battle
Inks: Norm Rapmund
Colors: Richard Horie & Tanya Horie

Cover Artist: Erik Larsen, Richard Horie & Tanya Horie

Aquaman's birthday party is crashed by Noble! The new nemisis has a legion of Lurkers at his command.

It's Aquaman's birthday much to his dismay as citizens from all over the ocean's have arrived to celebrate in order to show their loyalty to their king.While Aquaman remembers his past while dealing with the situations of the present with his divorce from Mera weighing heavily on his mind. While Dolphin,Lagoon Boy and the Justice League arrive to honor their teammate. Following most of the hero visitors departure the dome surrounding the city is shattered by new invaders as Aquaman dons his armor to lead his troops into their newest battle Aquaman then comes face to face with the leader The Noble and his army of Lurkers.

He then tells him he has lived under the seafloor for far longer then Poseidonis has dwelled their while Vulko urges Mera to leave despite her claims the invader seems familiar.Aquaman then offers to allow him and his army to leave without consequences but he attacks Aquaman ripping his harpoon off.Aquaman then incapacitates his foe through electricity as his troops come into attack.
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