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- Aquaman (1994-2001)
47. Shadows on the Water
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47. Shadows on the Water

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Shadows on the Water
Nummer 47
Originaltitel Aquaman (1994)
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 36
Erschienen August 1998
Cover-Preis 1.95 USD
Ersteller GenerationX76
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Heft

Writer: Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Pencils: Jim Calafiore & Chris Renaud
Inks: Peter Palmiotti & Andy Lanning
Colors: Tom McCraw

Cover Artist: Jim Calafiore, Mark McKenna & Patrick Martin

Aquaman is confronted by a younger version of himself, and they battle; but Aquaman manages to break through into the man's mind and discovers that it is AJ, and he needs help. Aquaman goes to the Oceanid dimension to help AJ and Mera.

Aquaman leaps into battle as the newly arrive Aquaman attacks him before the battle stretched though out the royal palace much to the shock of the on lookers. Aquaman then uses his telepathy to gain the answers he seeks, where he learns this impostor to be A.J. his son from Mera's dimension who when learning this begins to suffer the effects the magic was protecting him from. He the reveals the magic used to prevent his aging in this dimension so he could find him, but the portal caused him to believe himself to be Aquaman. Aquaman then returns to the dimension with his son to rescue Mera, while leaving Garth in charge of the city.

While in the other dimension a new foe Lord Nemo is slowly stealing the ocean a section at a time, when he notices a energy blip caused by Aquaman and A.J.'s return. The two then work together to break the bowl they are captured in to return to the sea,where they see the fleet of ships in the sky with Mera strapped to the front of the lead ship.
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