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17. American Tidal, Part 3
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17. American Tidal, Part 3

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American Tidal, Part 3
Nummer 17
Originaltitel Aquaman (2003)
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 36
Erschienen Juni 2004
Cover-Preis 2.50 USD
Ersteller GenerationX76
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Heft
gesammelt von 1 Benutzer

Writer: Will Pfeifer
Pencils: Patrick Gleason
Inks: Christian Alamy
Colors: Nathan Eyring

Cover Artist: Alan Davis, Mark Farmer & Nathan Eyring

Aquaman has arrived back to the ruins of San Diego, moving a city block to free the cadre of people as he warns them not to surface or they will die as he enforces this with a swarm of sharks.Aquaman then addresses the terrified citizens, filling them on the events while telling them that they can never leave the oceans.While back on Watchtower Lorena awakens only to be startled by the Martian Manhunter,and demanding she be teleported back as she feels Aquaman can use some help with his rescue efforts while Manhunter successfully gains the aid of various humanitarian organization's aid. Aquaman and Lorena then set out after a dolphin informs him they have found a machine,which they successfully find with some kind of organism inside.
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