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105. Lifelines Part One
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105. Lifelines Part One

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Lifelines Part One
Nummer 105
Originaltitel Wonder Woman (1987)
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 36
Erschienen Jänner 1996
Cover-Preis 1.95 USD
Ersteller WonderWoman
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Heft
gesammelt von 3 Benutzer

Diana applies for a job as a visiting lecturer at Gateway City Museum of Cultural Antiquities…and proves her knowledge of the subject matter when an ancient Grecian artifact is brought to life to menace the city and a new character that will play an important role in Wonder Woman's future.

After being referred to Gateway City's Museum of Cultural Antiquities for a job by Julia Kapatelis, Wonder Woman's interview with Helena Sandsmark is cut short when Helena's dughter Cassandra accidentally activates an ancient Greek Statue imbued with magical properties.

Wonder Woman battles the Statue across Gateway City to the Harbor where she dumps it's body in the bay.

Meanwhile, Morgaine Le Fay's attendant Warly confronts Jason Blood after he supposedly destroyed the ancient witch.
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