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1. Archie vs. Predator II
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1. Archie vs. Predator II

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Archie vs. Predator II
Nummer 1
Originaltitel Archie vs. Predator II (2019-2020) 1-5
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 144
ISBN 1645769836
ISBN-13 9781645769835
Erschienen März 2020
Cover-Preis 19.99 USD
Ersteller P1NKAC1D
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Softcover
gesammelt von 1 Benutzer

Betty, Veronica and Predator-Archie have been left in the wreckage of their town, all their friends dead. Normally, they'd just go down Memory Lane and get home again where everything's okay, but that's no longer an option. It isn't until they find an undamaged car and drive it down a different road where they can finally return to Riverdale--but their hometown feels different. And it's made even more bizarre when they come face-to-face with a few people they'd never expect: themselves. Only different, newer versions. Little do they know, Predators on Mars are watching them--planning their next attack!

Join Alex de Campi (Archie vs. Predator) and Robert Hack (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) for the action and terror of Archie vs. Predator II!

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