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- Aquaman (1991-1992)
13. My Hero
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13. My Hero

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My Hero
Nummer 13
Originaltitel Aquaman (1991)
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 36
Erschienen Dezember 1992
Cover-Preis 1.25 USD
Ersteller GenerationX76
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Heft
gesammelt von 1 Benutzer

Writer: Shaun McLaughlin
Pencils: Chris Schenck
Inks: Bob Dvorak
Colors: Tom McCraw

Cover Artist: Chris Schenck & Rick Bryant

Final Issue! A dying boy searches for Aquaman in the hope of finding a cure for his ailment...but all he finds is those who have their own unique perspectives on the boy's hero.

The issue starts off with two boys in a hospital discussing their favorite superheroes, with one boy deciding to seek out Aquaman and Poseidonis in the hopes the doctors of Atlantis can cure him. The kid then begins a journey hitchhiking with strangers to the lake, with each one telling him a story of their encounter with Aquaman, but believes each to be lies.

Following the second story he is called rude and left at a restraunt until a shadowed man gives him a ride to the lake, as he is also going there. He then tells him the story of a battle between Scavenger and Aquaman, of a battle for measles vaccine. Aquaman then appeals to Scavenger who helps him deliver the vaccine. It is the revealed the man who drove the boy is in fact the Scavenger, and Aquaman assisted him in getting an honest job following his aid. Scavenger then finishes his story of Aquaman telling the judge he deserved a second chance.Aquaman then arrives to the Scavengers house, much to Tony's enjoyment with the three watching the sunrise over the lake.

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