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Eternals: The Dreaming Celestial Saga

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Eternals: The Dreaming Celestial Saga
Originaltitel Eternals (1985) 1-12, Iron Man Annual (1976) 6, The Avengers (1963) 246-248 & What If? (1977) 23-27 (II), 28 (III), 29-30 (II)
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 500
ISBN 1302922017
ISBN-13 9781302922016
Erschienen Jänner 2021
Cover-Preis 39.99 USD
Ersteller UncannyElli
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Softcover
gesammelt von 1 Benutzer

The awesome Uni-Mind and a tragic death set the stage for a new era in the battle between the godly Eternals and their Deviant adversaries! The Eternals have spread out among the human population in secret. In these uncertain times, their new leader must hold the remaining Eternals together even as a new adversary emerges from deep in the Deviants' underground stronghold. Ghaur, leader of the Deviant priesthood, has discovered the location of a renegade Celestial, defeated and sealed away by his brethren long ago. If the Eternals can't come together and stop Ghaur, he will possess the cosmic power of this Dreaming Celestial - and conquer Earth! Plus: Don't miss the origins of the Eternals from rare WHAT IF? backup features!

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