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1. Nekromantik (International Edition)

Fehler in Comic melden
Nekromantik (International Edition)
Nummer 1
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 52
ISBN 3869590467
ISBN-13 9783869590462
Erschienen 25. November 2016
Cover-Preis 7.80 EUR
Ersteller comicfan_sachsen
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Magazin

At the 25th anniversary of the classic underground movie Nekromantik 2 director Jörg Buttgereit and artist Martin Trafford present the long awaited continuation of the scandalous movie in comic magazine form.

For the many fans of Jörg´s work all over the world, we made this special edition in English!
If you have problems with our onlineshop (only german, sorry!), feel free to contact us for ordering details:

Set 20 years after the events of Nekromantik 2 comes the official comic book sequel Son of Nekromantik! The troubled young gravedigger Eddie tries to reconcile his feelings toward his pretty young girlfriend and his oppressive mother. Will his love of the dead Interfere with his longing for a "normal" relationship? Written by Jörg Buttgereit and Martin Trafford, the question of what became of Monika and her child will finally be answered.

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