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3. Death of the family

Fehler in Comic melden
Death of the family
Nummer 3
Originaltitel Teen Titans (2011) 0, 15-17, Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011) 16 & Batman (2011) 17
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 168
ISBN 1401243215
ISBN-13 9781401243210
Erschienen Dezember 2013
Cover-Preis 14.99 USD
Ersteller Alaric
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Softcover
gesammelt von 2 Benutzer

Red Robin has always been a master strategist. From his apprenticeship with the Batman to his leadership of the Teen Titans, this young crimefighter has prided himself on remaining one step ahead of his enemies - and even his allies.

But how can he predict his enemy's next move when that enemy is completely unpredictable?

The Joker has returned after a long absence, and he's gunning for the Dark Knight's friends and family. But he's not stopping there. He intends on using Red Robin's makeshift family of teen heroes against him.

Untested on the mean streets of Gotham City, the Teen Titans are out of their league, even with the help of the inimitable Red Hood. And even if they survuve, will they be ready to face the horrifying forces now arrayed against them in the shadows? Or will the Joker get the last laugh.
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