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90. Denial
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90. Denial

Fehler in Comic melden
Nummer 90
Originaltitel Azrael: Agent of the Bat (1998)
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 36
Erschienen Juli 2002
Cover-Preis 2.50 USD
Ersteller adarkmind
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Heft
gesammelt von 2 Benutzer

Azrael met the BatSquad at the Clocktower and warned them to stay out of his way. Senator O'Mara sent Azrael to Santa Prisca to rescue a friend being held hostage. He completed the task with perfect easy and returned them to the States. Back home, the Senator heralded him as a hero and savior. He returned home and was attacked by Biis.
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Kommentar geändert 27.2.2014 13:57
Bearbeiter Madrox
Änderung Azrael met the BatSquad at the Clocktower and warned them to stay out of his way. Senator O'Mara sent Azrael to Santa Prisca to rescue a friend being held hostage. He completed the task with perfect easy and returned them to the States. Back home, the Senator heralded him as a hero and savior. He returned home and was attacked by Biis.
Originaltitel geändert 27.2.2014 13:57
Bearbeiter Madrox
Änderung Azrael: Agent of the Bat (1998)
Titel geändert 27.2.2014 13:57
Bearbeiter Madrox
Änderung Denial
Vorher Azrael: Agent of the Bat
Seitenanzahl geändert 15.1.2012 22:46
Bearbeiter der_Schimmy
Änderung 36
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