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73. Day of the Nerd
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73. Day of the Nerd

Fehler in Comic melden
Day of the Nerd
Nummer 73
Originaltitel Simpsons Comics (1993)
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 36
Erschienen August 2002
Cover-Preis 2.50 USD
Ersteller deletedUser006
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Heft
gesammelt von 5 Benutzer

Bart meets a reclusive B-movie director, whose collection of horror, science fiction, and Radioactive Man is the envy of every hobbyist in Springfield. When the director announces a contest to give away his massive collection, every geek, nerd, and dweeb in town will do anything to win... including Bart Simpson!

1. Day of the Nerd (written by Ian Boothby)

Bart and Lisa have to sell chocolate for school. In one of the houses Bart goes to, lives a famous movie director, who is having a contest to see who should get his massive collection of merchandise, so Bart goes off to win the competition. Meanwhile, Lisa and Homer go to Shelbyville to sell chocolate, and when they take a shortcut, they find a fake mission to Mars. Later, Homer and Lisa watch the fake mission on TV, but the mission is revealed to be a phony because Homer wrote his name in the dirt at the mission site. Later, at the Director's presentation ceremony, he is about to give away all his merchandise, but a robot blows up his house, which had all that stuff, so nobody wins.

2. Bummer Vacation (written by Chris Yambar)

Bart does a lot of fantastic things during his summer vacation, like bull taming and sky diving, but when school starts and he has to present "What I did during my summer vacation," will anyone believe him?
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