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69. Glory

Fehler in Comic melden
Nummer 69
Originaltitel Aquaman (1994)
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 36
Erschienen Juli 2000
Cover-Preis 1.99 USD
Ersteller GenerationX76
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Heft

Writer: Dan Jurgens
Pencils: Steve Epting
Inks: Norm Rapmund
Colors: Noelle Giddings & Digital Chameleon

Cover Artist: Mike Kaluta & Wildstorm FX

In the aftermath of the war with Cerdia, three vital matters must be resolved. How will Atlantis rebuild? What will become of the equally shattered nation of Cerdia? And what of the villain behind all the destruction: Ocean Master?

In the future Donna prepares to deliver her report of Atlantis to her classmates, as the story shifts to the citizens returning to their city as Garth arrives bringing his son back to Dolphin. With the JLA setting out to repair all of the damage done to the city by the Ceredian attacks, while Aquaman follows in pursuit of his escaping brother. He eventually destroys his shape before calling in a sea monster who immobilizes his foe as Aquaman takes his staff which removes his ability to breathe underwater but spares him.

Aquaman then arrives at the United Nations to chastise the General Assembly over their refusal to act on Atlantis's behalf. He then announces Ceredia is now Atlantis's prize for victory in the war with him vowing to protect their rights with his life.
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