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- Aquaman (1994-2001)
30. In Darkness He Waits
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30. In Darkness He Waits

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In Darkness He Waits
Nummer 30
Originaltitel Aquaman (1994)
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 36
Erschienen März 1997
Cover-Preis 1.75 USD
Ersteller GenerationX76
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Heft
gesammelt von 1 Benutzer

Writer: Peter David
Pencils: Martin Egeland & Jim Calafiore
Inks: Howard M. Shum & Peter Palmiotti
Colors: Tom McCraw

Cover Artist: Martin Egeland, Howard M. Shum & Patrick Martin

Aquaman struggles against creatures who want to make a meal of him, ghosts of past Atlantean rulers, and finally, the mysterious throwback known as The Remnant.

The Sea Devils await at the top of the trench where they lose any signal from Aquaman, while calling for the waiting Dolphin to come up. While in the trench Aquaman continues being dragged to the bottom with his grappling hook insuring Manta is forced to come with him. However the two are soon hit by ancient memories of biblical sea creatures as they continue sinking into the pit. While Deep Blue finally manages to snag a fish making it grow and using it to free herself, before setting out to find Aquaman and Manta. The two then reach the bottom where the great pressure slows Aquaman down, however upon adjusting to the the darkness he is once again attacked by Manta before cutting off his tail before preparing to kill his son's murderer only to be stopped by voices ahead of them.

Aquaman and Manta then arrive in a massive cavern containing a massive corpse of a long dead monster, with Aquaman realizing they face the very spirit of the beast. Aquaman then is told the origin of the monster that it is the only remaining creature to remain below when all other life went above, this spurs Manta to try and take the beast's power only be easily capture with him begging Aquaman for help.Aquaman then leaps to his foe's aid, but is quickly stopped by thought waves Aquaman returns with his own overcoming the creature who begs him not to leave him alone. Aquaman then begins the swim back up where he encounters Deep Blue, who is shocked when she sees his face.
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