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(4). Dark Tower: The Fall of Gilead

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Dark Tower: The Fall of Gilead
Nummer (4)
Originaltitel US: Dark Tower: Fall of Gilead (2009) #1-6, Dark Tower: The Sorcerer (2009) #1
Auflage 1
Seitenanzahl 208
ISBN 0785129510
ISBN-13 9780785129516
Erschienen 17. Februar 2010
Cover-Preis 24.99 USD
Ersteller breedstorm
Sprache Englisch
Cover-/Heftformat Hardcover
gesammelt von 1 Benutzer

Waiting for the fall... How could you have done it, Roland? How could you have killed your own mother? That's what everyone in Gilead's asking - even your grieving father. But you know the answer: Marten Broadcloak and one of them evil grapefruits. That's how. And while you rot in jail, the plot your matricide was only one small part of is wrapping its bloody and black tendrils around Gilead. Your town - the home of the Gunslingers - is the prize possession of the great enemy of the land, John Farson. And he means to have it. Gilead will fall, it will. And it will fall to the death of a thousand cuts. It started with your mother, yes, but it won't end there.
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